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Purpose – fluent translations
We specialise in translations into the Lithuanian language and do it from all heart. While using our translation service you will receive the text translated by a qualified translator of respective language, proofread and corrected by a specialist of the Lithuanian language. That’s why the main distinguishing feature of our translations is their fluency and clearness. We have a big database of highly experienced translators who can translate into many foreign languages. Concerning translation possibilities and prices of particular language combinations please contact us by phone or e-mail info@kalbininkai.lt

How do we calculate the price?
You will find out the price of the translation at once after submission of the text. It depends on the number of the words in the document submitted for translation *. Kalbininkai calculate price of the page of 250 words. It is the standard applied in the European Union countries.

Fulfilment terms
Normal fulfilment term is 3 working days. Normal load is 1250 words per working day (5 pages). Urgent translation (in 2 working days) has 25% mark –up. Especially urgent translation (in 1 working day), translations during days off and holidays have 50% mark-up. Minimal order is one page (250 words).

* Number of words is determined as following: Tools/Word Count/Words. If it is not possible to determine number of words in the original text, they are calculated in the translated one.

Translations into the Lithuanian language:
  • from English
  • German
  • Russian
  • Polish
  • Latvian
  • Estonian
  • Finish
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Czech

    Translations from the Lithuanian language:
  • into English
  • German
  • Russian
  • Polish
  • Latvian
  • Estonian
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian

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    Decision prospace

     (+370) 52613563  info@kalbininkai.lt
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